Frédéric Santos' notebook
Emacs and R tricks for anthropologists and archaeologists.

Posts tagged "statistics":

How to perform a NPMANOVA with R?

07 mai 2020

Performing a non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance (NPMANOVA), also known as permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA), is relatively easy thanks to the function adonis() implemented in the R package vegan. In this blog post :

Tags: R statistics

How to know if an individual specimen may be a member of a given reference population?

15 avril 2020

Let’s say you have one given specimen of unknown origin or species. Although you do not know precisely to which group this individual belongs, you have several hypotheses; e.g., you think that this individual might belong to populations A or B, but is certainly not a member of population C. In this post, we will illustrate some possible methods to assess the credibility of those hypotheses, depending on the data you were able to collect (or you are willing to use).

Tags: R statistics

Comparing correlation coefficients with R

01 avril 2020

In biological anthropology, a common problem is to compare correlation coefficients between two pairs of variables. Here is a motivating example, with a small artificial dataset.

Tags: R statistics
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